The Secret of Healing Mind Body & Soul

The one who learns to control the emotions achieves endless Joy

Modern Society is facing unending Mental, Physical and Emotional stress/illness as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical work, overwhelming desires, and uncontrolled Emotions. Modern lifestyle has led us to a vicious circle of health issues and side effects of modern medical treatments resulting in some other health issues. When we get tired of this unhealthy lifestyle and the vicious circle of Modern medical therapy, the urge of finding a solution arises which may take us out of that circle and heal us completely.

Our ancient medical science was based on the treatment of the root cause of the illness rather than the treatment of symptoms. This is the reason it cures the disease completely and is very much effective.  Here we have made a compilation of major 16 alternate medical therapies that are very popular and do not cause major side effects. In public speaking, "these are free from any side effects". These therapies are becoming more popular these days as people look for natural and harmless ways of treatment. In our coming posts, we will find the treatment of various diseases with these therapies. I am using these therapies since my childhood. These are very much effective and safe.

Ancient Medical Therapies becoming Popular

The concept of health/healing is not restricted up to the body, but it has a broader meaning. The word Health covers physical, mental, and emotional health. We can attain the complete wellbeing of the self through the healing of body, mind, and emotions. In order to keep your body healthy, you must keep your mind and emotions healthy and vice versa.

Here is the list of these Alternative Medical Therapies:

Pulse tells a lot about you
1. Ayurveda: Ayurveda means the science of life. It is considered to be the oldest healing method. It was originated in India. There is a difference in the thoughts of various scholars about the origin of Ayurveda. Some say it was originated more than 5000 years ago while others call it eternal. According to Ayurveda, there are three principle energies in the body called tridoshas and seven dhatu in our body. The imbalance of tridosha, saptdhatu, and Auz in our body is the main cause of any disease.
Ayurveda is a science of life

Surgery is the gift of Ayurveda to the humankind. Acharya Sushrut is called as the father of Surgery. In ancient times, the Ayurveda was so advanced that the vaidyas could diagnose the patient by checking the pulse. Ayurveda is a highly scientific and principle-based medical therapy. There are many ayurvedic medicines which are capable of curing any disease. Ayurveda has proven its battle in the treatment of cancer, diabetes, and other incurable diseases. It also helps in increasing immunity which helps in fighting diseases.

2. Homeopathy: Homeopathy is a therapy originated in Germany which believes that body can heal itself. It uses a tiny amount of natural substances highly diluted in alcohol as a way of stimulating the healing process. These medicines are highly effective in curing disease in a harmless way. This therapy uses numerous checkpoints to find the best medicine for the treatment of a particular disease. There are a number of medicines for the treatment of a single disease depending on the symptoms of the patient.
Homeopathic pills are sweet and highly effective
Homeopathy works on the principle "Vishashya Vishaushadham" which means  "Poison is the medicine for Poison". It believes that an imbalance of the vital energy of the body is the root cause of the internal disorder. This therapy is based on human trials rather than animal trials. The reason being each medicine has a different effect on different animals (it may be bad also) but the same medicine is good for the patient.
This therapy is so effective that one dose of right medicine can give you a big relief. Some people make a mistake of treating homeopathy as a slow therapy. If you think so, you have never met a good homeopath. 

3. Naturopathy:
Naturopathy (Mud-Pack)
Naturopathy is a therapy which emphasizes on natural ways of healing, uses natural things as a medicine, believes in self-healing of the body through vital energy. The body has the power of healing everything provided it is left with the natural lifestyle. Naturopathy advocates on the removal of the cause of disease i.e, toxins from the body. It says, "your food itself is a medicine". Some of the treatments in Naturopathy are mud-pack, mud-bath, Sun-bath, steam-bath, abdomen pack, anima therapy, hydrotherapy, air therapy, magnet therapy, oil massage, fasting, etc. It is very much effective in the removal of toxins from the body and rejuvenating it.

4. Yoga & Exercises: Yoga is a practice of discipline originated in ancient India. Yoga is not merely a practice of healing mind and body, but a spiritual practice of attaining thyself (samādhi). Many ancient scholars have written on Yoga. Patanjali, Panini, Acharya Haribhadra Suri. According to Patanjali, "Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodhah" which means Yoga is the calming down of fluctuations of consciousness. According to Patanjali's "Ashtanga Yoga"  there are eight components of  Yoga:
 Anulom Vilom Pranayam
1. Yamas
2. Niyama
3. Δ€sana
4. Prānāyāma
5. Pratyāhāra
6. Dhāraṇā
7. Dhayāna
8. Samaādhi 
Here we will discuss the third and fourth components as a technique of healing the mind body and emotions. However, these all are interconnected, but once you start you may get deeper into it. 

Prānāyāma: Prānāyāma is made out of two Sanskrit words, Prāna (breath) and āyāma (regulating in different ways). These days practice of Pranayam is getting popular in the treatment of various incurable diseases. The main Pranayams are Bhastrika, Kapal-Bhati, Bahaya, Anulom-Vilom, Bhramri, Udgeet, Pranav, and Ujjayi. We will discuss these separately in my upcoming posts.

Exercise makes us stronger
Asana (Exercise): Asana is holding the body in a particular posture for a time period. Each posture has a stimulating effect on different body parts. So, different postures are used for the treatment of different diseases/ disabilities. There are 84 types of Asanas. Asanas are essential for the strengthening of the body. Asanas make the body flexible, strong, and balanced. It reduces stress and anxiety. Asana is the best remedy for the spine and back pain.

Kriyas: Kriyas are the cleaning process of the external parts of the body. It is cleaning or removal of unwanted matter accumulated in the body. 6 types of Kriyas are Neti, Dhauti, Vasti, Nauli, Kapal Bhati, and Tratak.

5. Kitchen Herbs:
Kitchen Herbs
Our Kitchen is full of herbs and spices which are used in the treatment of many diseases. Our Grandparents always suggest us to take Ajwain, Tulsi, Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger, etc. These kitchen herbs and spices have the power of healing our bodies. These are sometimes termed as "Dadi/Nani Ke Nuskhe". We will separately discuss about healing properties of these herbs in our coming posts.

6. Acupressure: 

Acupressure is a technique of treatment of any organ in the body by applying pressure on the reflex centers of that organ in our Hands/Legs/Face. There is a difference of opinion about the origin of the acupressure. There is evidence of its origin in India. The ancient books of Ayurveda reveal the existence of Acupuncture in India which later reached China with the travelers who came to India. This therapy works on the principle of the flow of life energy through meridians in the body. Any blockage in the meridians causes disturbance/slow down of energy resulting in the illness of that body part which can be treated by clearance of the blockage in the meridians by applying pressure on the reflex centers. Acupressure is very much effective in back problems and the problems associated with the flow of energy in the body.

7. Color Therapy (Surya Kiran Rang Chikitsa):
Colorful bottles for charging water
We live in a colorful world and each color has an effect on our mind and body. Water charged in a colored glass bottle in sunlight is used for the treatment. Mainly four-color bottles are used for charging the water/oil: Green, Blue, Orange, and white. Water is charged for 8 hours in the sunlight. The bottles should be tightly packed. Oil is charged for a month. Milk sugar balls are charged for three months. This therapy is not widely spread but gives good results. Colors may also be used in meditation, Acupressure, and Sujok.

8. Sujok: Sujok is very much similar to acupressure. In Sujok, the palm and foot represent the whole body. In this therapy, seeds, magnet, and colors are also applied to the reflex centers for the treatment. 

9. Medicinal plants: Each plant has its medicinal properties. Nowadays, plant-based treatment is becoming popular. People are becoming aware of the medicinal uses of plants and are using plants like Giloy, Tulsi, Neem, Aloe-vera, Garlic, Ginger, etc. for the treatment of various illnesses. Giloy is widely used for the treatment of cancer, all types of fevers especially dengue, diabetes, etc. In our coming posts, we will deeply discuss the benefits of different plants. 

10. Meditation: The practice of meditation in India dates back to Lord Rishabh, the first Tirthankara of Jainism. They used it for the purpose of attaining the inner self. Similarly, the entire penance of Lord Mahaveera, the last Tirthankara revolved around the meditation. Meditation is the technique of concentrating on a particular object/body part/breath. Meditation helps in healing emotional and mental disorders which ultimately give positive results for the body. Acharya Mahaprajna under the guidance of Acharya Tulsi revived the ancient tradition of meditation becoming extinct or overlooked in the modern Jain community. This was renamed as Preksha Meditation. This technique is a combination of ancient philosophy and modern science. Preksha meditation is not just for physical, mental, emotional health but a key to the spiritual treasure. So, It is the greatest gift for humankind.
Meditation is one of the most important components of Maharshi Patanjali's Ashtang Yog. Similarly, Zen meditation was originated in China at the time of the spreading of Buddhism in China. Meditation techniques originated in India but became even more popular in countries like China, Japan, Korea, etc. They developed many new techniques and used them as the importance.
Some of them use Metal bells to create music/vibrations as a technique of meditation. The Tibetan bell or Buddha bell is very popular and creates positive vibrations which may be used as a tool of Meditation.

Tibetan Singing Bowl (Buddha Bowl)
11. Autosuggestion: Mind is very powerful and is capable of doing anything which may be termed as a miracle. By using this power of mind we can do anything we want. All we need to do is to train the mind. There are 3 levels of consciousness of mind.

  • Conscious mind
  • Unconscious mind
  • Higher conscious mind
Autosuggestion is a technique of Meditation used to register a resolution into the unconscious mind, which is highly responsible for the transformation of the self. When we suggest our mind to do something, it certainly does it provided, the suggestion reaches the sub-conscious / Unconcious mind. So, this can be used for healing our body, mind, or emotion. We just need to meditate and give a powerful suggestion/ order to the mind to heal your particular body part. Try to visualize that the whole energy of your body is engaged in healing activity at that particular portion of your body, you are trying to heal.

12. Lifestyle: Our lifestyle is very much responsible for many diseases. Diabetes, Stress, Obesity, Heart disease are some of the examples of lifestyle diseases. If we adopt a healthy lifestyle, we may prevent ourselves from many diseases. Lifestyle plays a very crucial role in building our health. Some of the practices like sitting/standing/sleeping in the right posture, waking up early in the morning, taking meals at the right time, breathing in the right manner, exercise can prevent us from lifestyle diseases.

13. Fasting: Fasting is a tool used for the removal of toxins from the body which ultimately gives us good health. When we do fasting, our energy is diverted into the healing of the body. So, every time you do fast, you are putting your body in self-healing mode. Nowadays, the term called intermittent fasting is widely used for the cure of various diseases like diabetes. We will discuss about intermittent fasting in detail in our coming post.

14. Mantras: There is a technique of healing based on the chanting of Mantras. The mantra creates a vibration which is highly positive and heals not only emotions and mind, but also our body. You must be thinking about how it can be possible? The answer is the mantra creates a positive vibration and changes in secretions of the body which ultimately gives positive benefits in our body. Another benefit of Mantra is the purification and strengthening of Aura which leads to the complete transformation of the self. There is such belief that our Aura protects us from many disasters.  

15. Mudra: Our 5 fingers represent 5 elements of nature. So, the different postures formed by joining different fingers of the hand are useful for various purposes. The mudras like Gyan Mudra, Surya Mudra, Apan Vayu Mudra, Mahapran Mudra, Mahamrityunjay Mudra are the most popular.

16. Reiki: Reiki is a form of energy healing in which the practitioner uses palm healing to transform the universal energy and heal the patient.

I have tried to compile the various Alternative Medical Therapies in one place and to provide you a single platform for learning The Secrets of Healing Mind, Body, and Soul.

In my upcoming blogs, I will try to proceed with providing the solution for a particular disease by using the various therapies and their combinations. I personally use them in my day to day life. So, I can guarantee you the effectiveness of these. Stay tuned with us. Keep visiting Healing Secret. Provide your valuable comments so that I can add value to my blog.


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